Saturday, July 28, 2018

All Things Must Pass

What could be better than a Saturday night concert at the Sydney Opera House? How about a Saturday night concert at the Sydney Opera House performed by some of the top rock musicians of Australia as they ran their way through the Beatles White Album? Once again we found ourselves in a crowd of geriatric rock fans listening to electric music from decades ago, and we loved every minute of it. Our friends Ronald and Jane joined us for a night out, and we made our way to the Opera House early enough to enjoy a drink before the big show. The band was fantastic,
and their rendition of such tunes as "Oh-Blah-Dee" and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" was flawless. The audience would not let them go when they finished, so they came back for an encore which included George Harrison's song which I used as the title for today's posting. I never realized how moving that song could be, and I was so grateful to share it with my wife and our friends. (In case you are wondering, I did not take the photograph; our seats were considerably farther back, I can assure you.)

Tomorrow we leave Sydney for the Gold Coast and the library conference in Broadbeach. It will a part of the country Jayne has never seen before, and one that I have only passed through.

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