Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day Sturm und Drang

While Jayne continues to sojourn in the Arkansas Ozarks, I remain behind in Bisbee tending to the old white dog and doing household chores. Today is Mother's Day, and while my own mother has passed to the great beyond, I still called Jayne to wish her the compliments of the day since she, too, is a mother. I picked a rather unsettled day for my greetings. A rare spring thunderstorm has

blown into southern Arizona from the Sea of Cortez and the dark skies above the mountains to the south have been periodically crossed with impressive lightning bolts. Some rain fell prior to my daily walk, but I was able to complete the nearly four miles up the canyon and back prior to this latest outburst. This photograph from our front porch gives a hint of the storm above the canyon sides, but I was unable to time my shutter to include a lightning strike. Take my word for it; it is impressive.

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