Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Rainy Daze

Even though the first day of summer is about a month away, it can get quite cold on this beach. Yesterday it was overcast and rainy on and off the entire day, quite different from the day before when we actually got hot enough to swim in the ocean. Today I am looking out over a beautiful sunrise, and perhaps it will get hot again.

Since we could do little but play board games and hang around the villa yesterday, we decided to take a road trip to buy some food and explore a few nearby towns. One place called Mogo is an old gold rush camp and has a frontier theme park celebrating the invasion of fortune seekers in the 1860s. Although Ronald and Jane had no interest in touring the place (nor did I for that matter) we stopped and had a peek at their gift shop. I always feel obligated to visit these frontier reconstructions regardless of the cheesy commercialism and blatant phoniness. It is the reason I keep going back to Tombstone when we visit southern Arizona and consume expensive Wyatt burgers at the Crystal Palace. As it turned out, there was true cultural confusion on display among the Chinese made trinkets in this shop. Along with gold pans and fake wanted posters there were fake gold bars in the shape of $100 dollar bills, but they represented American currency. I guess when you are running a tourist trap and have to order your merchandise from Hong Kong wholesalers you have to take what you can get.

We also stopped in a little town that reminded me of Nibin, primarily because their was a store called “Hippy Sticks” which specialized in incense, tie dyed t-shirts, and Bob Marley wall hangings. The place was a riot of color, and the selection truly astounding. I could have picked up a “Hippy on Board” bumper sticker, but given America’s current political climate I don’t think it would have been safe to bring it back. Besides, how ridiculous would such a declaration look on the bumper of a big SUV?

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