Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Shortly before getting on the train to the airport, I passed by this internet cafe and felt a final message may be in order (especially since this thing just robbed me of a buck). The congress yesterday was fantastic. The opening ceremony in the great lecture hall featured interpretive dancing by an aboriginal couple, a serenade by a charming children's choir, a greeting from an aboriginal elder, and greetings from archival leaders from all over the world. I am embarassed to admit that the final portion of the ceremony called the children back on stage where they performed a beautiful rendition of "Waltzing Matilda" that made my eyes water. (Fortunately it was dark in the auditorium.) Then there were the speeches from the Archivist of the United States, the head of the National Archives of Australia, and other dignitaries. I even sat in on a speech from a Chinese archivist where they passed out earphones and transmitters so you could hear a woman translating his words. The lunch was a real gourmet affair, but it was served in the exhibition all where the seating was inadequate. I talked to a lot of the vendors and met a lot of nice people, but my fever came back and I really had to rest the time between lunch and my speech at 4:00 pm. Once I got on the podium, my discomfort evaporated, and the audience reaction was delightful. I can say without boasting it was one of the better performances I have ever had at a professional conference, and a few in the audience crowded around me afterwards to chat. I really enjoyed it, but I was drained beyond belief before getting on the train to the hotel. Now I feel somewhat better, facing this ordeal of travel with a modicum of confidence. Goodbye Australia, you were good to me again.

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