Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Midnight Special

Well, I finally figured out the picture debacle on this blog; our camera is set to the highest resolution for photos, making each file too big to upload. I set it back for my most recent pictures and hereby attach one of a most interesting church. I can see the reverend explaining to his flock how collection plate takings have been too light and it is time to try a new revenue model.... I took the night train from Casino to Sydney and had a very nice cabin all to myself. There was the most funky toilet system for the sleeper berths. After using the bowl it folded up into the wall! I have never seen such a thing, but when in Rome one must evacuate as the Romans do. I did not truly sleep on the train but rather snoozed in little cat naps that were adequate overall. At six fifteen am I got off the train at the Hornsby station where Ronald picked me up and took me to his house. We had a very nice morning, even though Jane had to get ready for work, and when check in time arrived I was driven here to the Manly Bungalow where I was given a very nice, ultra clean room. (My only complaint is a lingering odor of fabric softener, but I will leave my windows open today. I went to Coles and laid in some supplies, and Ronald gave me four chicken sausages from the Devitt Meat Market, so this morning I was able to have coffee, sausage, and Vegemite toast with coffee, all prepared here in my comfortable headquarters.

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